David asks Environment Secretary about pubs

David asks the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs about local pubs and the way some have adapted to a takeaway model during the lockdown. The Government recognises this is not a substitute for being open properly.

David speaks in Immigration Bill debate

Today, David spoke in favour of the Immigration Bill and stressed the need for better infrastructure with regard to schools and healthcare to support immigration in the future.

David's Herald article on the way out of lockdown

Today we begin Step 1 of the Government’s plan for lifting the restrictions it has imposed to fight the spread of Coronavirus. I summarise here what will happen in each of Steps 1-3 to hopefully answer some of your key questions following the Prime Minister’s address to the nation on Sunday. 

Age UK offer advice for older constituents

Age UK have offered ways we can all help older people without leaving the house:

1. Phone friends or relatives to check in and chat - particularly those who live alone

2. Share ideas of crafts, activities or recipes that you have tried out

David speaks in Agriculture Bill debate

Today David spoke in the Agriculture Bill debate, a landmark piece of legislation that will support British farmers and help protect the environment.

New COVID-19 guidance for workplaces

New COVID-19 Secure Guidelines for Workplaces

New ‘COVID-19 secure’ guidelines are now available to UK employers after consultation with approximately relevant 250 stakeholders in preparing the guidance.

Help for those suffering from loneliness

Let's Talk Loneliness

The Government's #Let’sTalkLoneliness public campaign has been rolled out to get people talking openly about loneliness, which includes new public guidance offering useful tips and advice on what to do to look after yourself and others safely.

Local schools helping to manufacture PPE

"I’d like to commend the work of Design and Technology departments in schools across the constituency – and the country – in assisting in the fight against COVID-19. Across the country over 250,000 pieces of PPE have been manufactured by schools.