Since I was elected in 2019, many local residents have been in touch with me to share their concerns about the condition of our roads. I share these concerns and I experience these issues myself when I drive around our area.

I have been campaigning to improve our roads and I have launched my Local Roads Survey to give you the opportunity to tell me exactly where you are seeing issues on our roads that need to be resolved – – including potholes, congestion, speeding and other safety concerns.

I have raised every issue that has been reported to me by constituents with the Council and the Highways Authorities, who are responsible for maintaining our roads. I am glad that this has resulted in some potholes and safety issues being fixed but there is more to do.

I want to hear from as many people as possible so that we have the best data to make the case, so thank you for taking part.

Together, we can work to secure much-needed road improvements for our area.

For all questions, please try to be as specific as possible about the location you are referring to e.g. as you turn from Mill Street into Grove Street in Wantage.  

David's Local Roads Survey